Welcome to
Grace Church of Newark

Grace Church of Newark Saturday Night Worship Service


6:00 pm

Worship Services

Grace Church of Newark Bible Study


6:00 pm

Bible Study

Prayer Requests

We believe in the power of prayer. We are a community that stands together in faith, supporting one another through life's challenges and celebrating God's blessings. Whether you are facing a difficult time, need guidance, or simply want to share praise, we are here to pray with you and for you.

How to Submit a Prayer Request:

  1. Online Submission: You can easily submit your prayer request online through our Prayer Request Form. Your request will be confidentially shared with our prayer team.

  2. In-Person: Visit our church and fill out a prayer request card. You can drop it into the prayer box, and our team will collect and pray over your requests.

  3. Phone: Call our church at 302-897-3679 and speak to Pastor Frank, who will take your prayer request.

Prayer Teams:

Our dedicated prayer teams meet regularly to pray for the needs of our congregation and community. Every request is taken to heart, and we lift them up in prayer, trusting in God's power and love.

Prayer Partners:

If you prefer one-on-one prayer, our prayer partners are available after every service to pray with you personally. They are compassionate and ready to listen and support you in prayer.

Prayer Requests During Services:

You can also submit your prayer requests during our worship services. Simply write your request on the provided cards and place them in the offering baskets.

Join Us in Prayer:

We encourage everyone to be a part of our prayer community. Join us for our weekly prayer meetings, where we come together to intercede for our church, our community, and the world.

At Grace Church of Newark, we believe that prayer changes things. We invite you to share your prayer needs with us, and let us join you in seeking God's presence and power.

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or for more information about our prayer ministry. We are here for you.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and
petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
— Philippians 4:6